Browsing School of Arts and Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 59-78 of 101
Long-run relationship between inflation rate and real estate investment in Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2021-08)This paper has analyzed the inflation rate in form of consumer price index, comparing them with real estate investment from GDP contribution in the long-run. The long-run relationship between inflation and real estate ... -
Lugha na utambulisho: tofauti katika matumizi ya kiswahili nchini tanzania na Kenya
(Chama cha Kiswahili Africa Mashariki (CHAKAMA), 2015)Matumizi ya lugha moja hutofautiana kwa kutegemea mambo kama vile umri, jinsia, tabaka na maeneo ya kijiografia miongoni mwa mengine. Matokeo ya hali ni kuwa matumizi ya lugha huishia kutoa mchango mkubwa katika utambulisho ... -
Mabadiliko ya Itikadi za Ujinaishaji katika Jamii ya Wakuria
(Jarida la Kiswahili Sanifu, 2024-11-27)Dunia ya leo ya kiutandawazi inawezesha mtagusano wa umma wa kimataifa kidijitali unaoendelea kushuhudia utamaduni chipukizi wa ujinaishaji unaozidi kushika kasi. Hivyo, makala hii inachanganua mabadiliko katika ... -
Management of student discipline: does the preventive approach work?
(International Journal of Research in Education Humanities and Commerce, 2021-09-05)The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of school principals’ Preventive approach in the management of students’ discipline in public secondary schools. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design ... -
Matumizi ya Kiswahili katika Mawasiliano na Uongozi wa Kidini katika Shule za Upili Nchini Kenya: Mfano wa Shule ya Wasichana ya Itigo
(East African Journal of Swahili Studies, 2023-09-11)Utafiti huu ulichunguza matumizi ya Kiswahili katika mawasiliano na uongozi wa kidini katika shule ya wasichana ya Itigo. Ulilenga kubaini jinsi lugha ya Kiswahili hutumika katika kuwasilisha maudhui ya kidini, sera za ... -
Mental Representation and Interpretation of HIV as A Death Sentence in Ekegusii HIV and AIDS Metaphor
(East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, 2019-02)HIV is one of the challenges confronting the human race and Kenyans are not an exception to this fact. EkeGusii is a Bantu language spoken by approximately two million speakers in Western Kenya. HIV is both a medical and ... -
Metaphor and Health Communication: Use of Metaphor in HIV and AIDS Discourse
(Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 2024-01-12)Language plays a fundamental role in combatting HIV and AIDS. In Kenya, English and Kiswahili are used as the languages of communication in HIV and AIDS related issues. The literacy rate in Kenya stands at 87.4% but ... -
Morphological Analysis of Dholuo Number Markers
(Eastern Africa Journal of Contemporary Research (EAJCR), 2024-05-28)This study examines plural morphemes in Dholuo nouns by investigating their number markers. Dholuo being an agglutinative language, some nouns can hardly be noticed to be broken down into multiple meaningful parts. It is ... -
Morphosyntactic Study of Dholuo Verb Phrase
(The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2020-09)Dholuo is a Nilo-Saharan language spoken by about 4.06 million people according to the Kenyan census that was done in 2009 and the result formally released in 2010.The language is spoken by the Luo who are mainly living ... -
Motorcycle taxi in addressing the rural transport conundrum
(2020-03-26)Rural people need transport services to access basic services and livelihoods. This study analyses the extent to which the motorcycle taxi addresses rural transport problems. Such an analysis could inform the future of ... -
Nafasi ya mwingiliano fani katika kukuza fasihi ya watoto
(2021-09)Katika juhudi za kusawiri uhalisia wa kijamii, fasihi aghalabu hulenga hadhira fulani kwa kutumia vigezo mbalimbali. Miongoni mwa vigezo hivyo ni kuwa kutegemea uzito wa maudhui na uchangamani wa msuko, kazi ya fasihi ... -
Nutritional status and morbidity among HIV/AIDS-affected children aged 6-9 years in Suba district, Kenya
(WFLPublisher, 2008)The HIV/AIDS pandemic continues to claim lives and render many children orphans. More than 3 million people died from AIDS including half a million children. In Sub-Saharan Africa, it is estimated that 12 million children ... -
Nutritional status of cancer outpatients using scored patient generated subjective global assessment in two cancer treatment centers, Nairobi, Kenya
(Opanga et al. BMC Nutrition, 2017)Background: Malnutrition is a universal problem in cancer patients renowned as an important factor for increased morbidity, decreased quality of life and high mortality. Early diagnosis of malnutrition risk through nutrition ... -
Optimisation of Online Newspaper Headline Length with Characters
(East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 2020)The question of how many characters should an online newspaper headline have is still debatable. This study therefore, sought to examine the optimal length for the online newspaper headlines by using characters as the ... -
Parental Involvement In Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: A Study Of Nyatike Sub-County, Migori County- Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2018)Teenage pregnancy is a global public health problem with medical, psychological, social and demographic implications most of which negatively affect the future of teenage girls. In view of this, teenage pregnancy has ... -
Patterns of Influence of Diabetics’ Integrating Healthcare Seeking Behaviors on Diabetes Management in Rongo Subcounty, Migori County, Ken
(African Journal of Health Sciences, 2021-08)Diabetes is a fast-growing socio-economic burden, highly prevalent in Kenya due to inadequacies of mitigation measures; though manageable through appropriate healthcare-seeking behaviors (HSBs). High malaria and HIV/AIDS ... -
Patterns Of Utilization Of Maternal Healthcare Services In Korogocho Slums, Nairobi, Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2017)Maternal mortality is a grave concern in Africa. In 2015, sub-Saharan Africa alone accounted for approximately 66% of all maternal deaths worldwide. Studies have however established that maternal mortality can be prevented ...