Browsing School of Arts and Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 11-30 of 101
Bantu and Nilotic Children’s Singing Games: a Comparative Study of their Value Communication
(International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research, 2016)The study is based on the assumption that literary style is paramount to literary communication and the meaning we derive out of a work of literature. Literary meaning cannot therefore be divorced from literary style. The ... -
Can religion transform human behaviour? A review of impacts of religious studies on moral development in Kenya
(International Journal of Religious Studies, 2018-12)Over the last decades, a question of whether religion affect moral development, has been in the minds of many people. Despite the fact that one can discern right and wrong, good and but even without becoming religious, the ... -
Care Giver’s Knowledge: A Stimulus for Advocated Alternative Family Care for Children in Kenya
(The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies, 2017)Public campaigns augment caregiver’s knowledge base on advocated alternative family care arrangement for children. Awareness campaigns through public barazas and community dialogues complement milestones in implementing ... -
The challenge of teaching in a second/foreign language and alternative approaches to developing fluency in the languages of instruction
(Chemchemi, 2016)Teaching at the university makes me realize that something needs to be done in the teaching of language for learning. Observation shows that students arrive at university without the requisite language skills (Tekeste, ... -
The Communicative Functions of Tanzanian Online Newspaper Headlines
(International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2020-09)This paper sought to analyse the communicative functions Tanzanian online newspaper headlines. A sample of Mwananchi and The Citizen dailies was obtained purposively from10 Tanzanian registered online newspapers. Also, ... -
Community Based Approach to the Management of Nyando Wetland, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
(Mcpowl Media Ltd, 2012)Tropical wetlands are known to be very productive, providing water and primary productivity upon which large numbers of plants and animal species depend for survival. In the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB), wetlands are part ... -
Community perceptions on the impact of the recession of Lake Victoria waters on Nyando Wetlands
(Scientific Research and Essays, 2012-04-18)Lake Victoria experienced drastic water level changes from October 2005 raising concerns about impact to the livelihood of the communities around the lake. The study investigated impacts of the water level decline on ... -
Construction of Feminine Identity through Metaphor in Facebook Discourses
(2020-08-08)One of the ways through which people construct their identities and others' identities is through use of conceptual metaphors. Conceptual metaphors are not just elements of language but are elements of thought as well and ... -
The contribution of interactive communication to the improvement of maternal healthcare services in Migori County, Kenya
(Jozac Publishers, 2024-06-26)The contribution of interactive communication in promoting maternal healthcare services are missing in the county's healthcare literature thus leading to higher levels of morbidity and mortality in Migori County. The study ... -
Convenient or Nuisance? The Paradox of Motorbike Taxis in Rural Kenya. The Case of Rongo Sub-County, Kenya
(2020)This study sought to assess rural people‘s level of satisfaction with motorcycle taxi transport services, taking Rongo Sub-County, Kenya as a typical case. This awareness is crucial to transport planning, particularly ... -
Demographic Factors affecting Dual Contraception Preference among Seropositive Women in Discordant Relationships in Nyatike Sub-County, Kenya
(Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, 2024)Dual contraception is an effective strategy of achieving zero HIV transmission and unwanted pregnancy among discordant couples. Despite the double benefit, dual contraception use is still limited among seropositive women ... -
Disability and Inclusive Development: a Theoretical analysis of The Elderly Disability In Kenya
(IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2016-12)Global projection for elderly persons for the year 2030 is 1 billion with Africa peaking to 1.6 billion from 1.0 billion in 2010. Advanced age is often associated with disabilities thus challenges activities of daily living. ... -
Discourse of Traditional Medicine Street Advertisement in Kisumu, Kenya
(Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017-07)Information is a very important concept during an interaction between interlocutors within a particular health communicative context. In matters concerning individuals' health and other emotive issues, subjective information ... -
Drivers Of HIV Preventive Service Uptake Among Boda-Boda Operators In Homa-Bay Town
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2018)The mobility of the transport sector makes it difficult to access health information and treatment and/or maintain a drug regimen. The study adopted three theories, key among the theories was theory of reasoned action due ... -
The Dynamics of Poverty, Inequality and Economic Well Being in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
(Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2017)It is hard to imagine an issue in development economics that is of greater importance to humankind than the effects of economic growth on poverty and economic well being. Hence this study is stimulated by the desire to ... -
E-Insurance: An Empirical Study of Perceived Benefits
(International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2011-11) -
Economic Determinants to Accessing Justice by Spouse Abuse Victims in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
(IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2019-10)Spouse abuse (SA) is acknowledged globally as a major social problem. Most victims are women while majority of the perpetrators are men. There is a high attrition level as cases reported to the police drop out of the ... -
Effect of Firm Competitiveness on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(African Development Finance Journal, 2022-10-11)Banks have operated in a relatively stable environment for a long time. However deregulation of financial systems across the globe in mid 1990s caused fierce competition among banks. In today’s dynamic business environment, ... -
Effects of a selected herbal beverage on the full haem ogram, inflammation and serum zinc status of HIV and aids subjects in Nairobi, Kenya, 2010
(Global Journal of Health Sciences, 2016)Purpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the effects of a selected herbal beverage on the full Haemogram, inflammation and serum zinc status of HIV and AIDS Subjects in Nairobi, Kenya. Methodology: This was a ... -
Effects of Community Awareness on Public Participation of Women in the Development Planning Processes in Awendo Sub County
(Public Policy and Administration Research, 2022-04-30)Public participation is a principle that has been given prominence in the Constitution of Kenya (2010). Participation should imbue all public affairs and be promoted by both genders acting in public interest. The ...