Now showing items 1-20 of 462

      (n,m)-metrically equivalent, n-metrically equivalent, metrically equivalent, (n,m)-class(Q), normal and n-normal operators. © JS Publication. [1]
      (n,m)-power Class (Q); Normal; Binormal operators; N-power class (Q); (BQ) operators; (n,mBQ) operators [1]
      . County government: Semi-autonomous unit of government devolved from the national level. There are forty-seven counties in Kenya. Migori County is the study area. [1]
      12-steps, process, rehabilitation, recovery of alcoholics [1]
      : Aquaculture; Effects; Environmental variables; L. Victoria; Kenya [1]
      : Institutions of higher learning; University establishment; Land use/land cover changes [1]
      : Leadership, mainstreaming, employee performance [1]
      : Rongo university; Establishment; Land use; Land cover; Changes, Kenya [1]
      Abusive, caretaking , Academic performance, Administrators, Advocates ,Automatic academicic promotion [1]
      Academic Complete – Ebook Central Platform [1]
      Academic Performance, Talent Retention, Strategies, Universities [1]
      Academic Performance, University, Training, Development, Lecturers. [1]
      access to justice, economic determinants, financial dependence, spouse abuse, victims of spouse abuse [1]
      Access, Free Primary Education, Policy, Gender, Rongo Sub-county. [1]
      Accounts payable: Accounts receivable; Average Collection Period;Cash Conversion Cycle [1]
      Adoption Model, WhatsApp messaging, public participation, budget [1]
      Adoption, cattle, food, Maasai, Sahiwal, security [1]
      Adoption, Cloud computing, Hospitals, Kenya, Technology-Organization-Environment [2]
      Adoption: Acceptance of WhatsApp messaging in public participation in budgeting process. [1]
      Adoption; agricultural technology; post-harvest losses. [1]