Browsing School of Information, Communication and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 88-107 of 120
Organizational communication on devolved governance: a case of Kisii county executive
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2018-11)Devolution being a new phenomenon in Kenya, the capacity of the counties to face up with communication challenges and potential structural complexities to ensure that they are managed sustainably is a concern. County ... -
Peace Education and Cultural Diversity: Focus on Kenya’s Post-Election Crisis
(International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 2018)It is not difficult to understand the relationship between peace and education. We can recover it from a more disciplined approach when we begin to seek the ultimate causation of the need for peace. As such peace will often ... -
Perceptions of youth on new media influence in insecurity in Migori county, Kenya: a case of Rongo Sub County
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2019-10)Today, new media fully saturate our everyday lives that we are often unconscious of their presence, not to mention their influence. New media are the internet based tools and services that allow users to interact with ... -
Perspectivizing Vernacular Broadcast Media Intervention in Stemming Intra-Ethnic Conflict in Kenya: A Case of the Abakuria
(2016)The media can be used as an instrument to build as well as to destroy order, harmony and social coexistence in the human society. This study has tried to establish the inherent nature of social conflict and crises in human ... -
Philosophizing Alternative Pan-African Media and Society Approaches to Countering Female Violent Extremism in Kenya for Peace and Security
(Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding ScholarSouthern Voices Network for Peacebuilding Scholar, 2016-12) -
Plagiarism conundrum in Kenyan Universities: An impediment to quality research
(Emerald Insight, 2024)Purpose- Plagiarism has been on the rise, mainly because of increased access to the internet and digital sources. To combat the threat of plagiarism, various universities have implemented countermeasures such as capacity ... -
Prioritizing Personal Data Protection in Insurance Organizations: A Review
(Journal of Information Security and Cybercrimes Research, 2023-06-22)This literature review focuses on the importance of prioritizing personal data security in insurance organi zations in the context of Web 2.0 and the fourth industrial revolution. With the increasing use of digital trans ... -
Process factors influencing data quality of routine health management information system: Case of Uasin Gishu County referral Hospital, Kenya
(International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health, 2016-06)Global health agenda faces a challenge of ensuring sustainability of a high performing system in the context of evolving pressures, growing demand for timely and reliable information for planning. ... -
Public Libraries in Kenya: Collection Development
(International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2011)The public library should provide equality of access to a range of resources that meets the needs of its users for education, information, leisure and personal development. The library should provide access to the heritage ... -
Quality of instruction in upcoming universities in the case of Rongo University, Kenya
(International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2018-06-22)The study aimed at establishing the quality of instruction to Rongo University students with the aim of producing productive university graduates in all sectors of the world’s economy. To achieve this, the researcher ... -
Rethinking Workplace Conflict Management in the Kenyan School Context: A Qualitative Study of Women Principals
(International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 2019-05)This study sought to explore how women principals utilised communication strategies to manage workplace conflicts at secondary school level Migori County, Kenya. The study was prompted by the fact that despite several ... -
The Role of Abamura/Morans in Cross-Border Conflicts among the Maasai and the Kuria of Kenya, 1920-1963
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2024-10-23)It is a historical fact that most Kenyan communities are haunted by actual or potential ethnic conflicts. Kenya comprises of many ethnic communities that are religiously shaped by their cherished cultures. These are the ... -
Secondary School Students’ Mastery of Integrated Science Process Skills in Siaya County, Kenya
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc, 2017-09-28)The study investigated secondary school students’ mastery of Integrated Science Process Skills (ISPS) among co-educational schools and the influence of grade level, gender, and school location in Siaya County, Kenya. The ... -
Security Control Requirements for Electronic Health Records
(International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2019)Health Information System is fundamental in provision of dependable information in support of delivery of healthcare services. The adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR) provides improved patient care and a more ... -
Self Evaluation: A Case Study of a School in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
(Journal of Education and Practice, 2015)External evaluation of schools purpose to monitor delivery of education with a view to ensuring adherence to stipulated curriculum and set standards as well as efficient and effective quality education. However, school ... -
Service-oriented Data Mining Architecture for Climate-Smart Agriculture
(American Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2020-03)The increasing volume of agricultural data and the availability of advanced technologies such as mobile platforms and connected devices have revolutionized the way data is captured, processed, stored and mined. The ... -
The status of school libraries in Migori County, Kenya
(2023)Whereas there is a general appreciation of libraries' role in educational performance and literacy development among learners, the status of school libraries still needs to improve. The struggle to secure a workable ... -
Strategic Extension and Perceived Usefulness of Emerging Technologies in the North Indian Banks: An Empirical Analysis
(European Journal of Business and Management, 2013)Technology advancement has changed the way banking business is done globally, where data Diasporas has become a great concern for management and operations of the financial service industry. This paper is an attempt to ...