Browsing School of Information, Communication and Media Studies by Title
Now showing items 32-51 of 120
Data Privacy, Conceptual Framework for IoT Based Devices in Healthcare: A Systematic Review
(East African Journal of Information Technology, 2023)With the rollout of the Fifth-Generation network, more Internet of Things (IoT) devices tend to increase, which increases the amount of data being shared by the devices. It is complex to secure data transmission and ... -
Determinants of adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among patients attending public and private health facilities in Nairobi, Kenya
(Journal of AIDS and HIV Research Vol. 5(3), pp. 70-74, March, 2013, 2013)For maximum suppression of the multiplication of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) virus and subsequent increase in the CD4 cell count, a level of adherence of 95% and above is required among the patients on ... -
Development of public library system in Kenya: perspective of KNLS
(Knowledge Librarian, 2014)The paper discusses the historical background, present status and future perspective of public library system in Kenya, research and application of ICTs. It also analyses the relation between the government and KNLS in ... -
Effectiveness of communication strategies in life skills education for underage pregnancy prevention: a case of Rongo sub-county secondary schools
(Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2021-08)This study evaluated the effectiveness of communication strategies in life skills education for underage pregnancy prevention in public secondary schools in Rongo sub-county. The rationale behind this study was that, ... -
Effects of social media use in participatory budgeting in county governance: a case study of Kisii county, Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2018)In Kenya, inadequate public debates on county budget priorities and choices, due to communication break down between the public and the county governments, has led to poor transparency and weak accountability. This has ... -
Effects of working capital management on profitability among manufacturing and allied firms listed on Nairobi securities exchange, Kenya
(2022)The study sought to assess the effects of working capital management on profitability among manufacturing and allied firms, Kenya. Moreover, specific objectives of this study are to: determine effect of Average Collection ... -
Electronic Medical Records Software Types in Use within Kisumu County
(International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2020)Electronic Medical Records (EMR) refers to a set of computerized interrelated components that enable data collection, storage, and transformation, aggregate and disseminate information about a patient or a client in a ... -
Emerging Learning Perspectives: Technology as the driving force
(International Journal of Current Research, 2014-02-15)The great advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have made it possible for individuals to live, learn, work, communicate and undertake leisure activities in a different and better way. In addition, ... -
Emerging Patterns in Students-Parents Interaction Interfaces and Platforms’ Use in Kenyan Secondary Boarding Schools
(International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, 2019)In Kenya, the Ministry of Education banned the use of mobile phones by students while they are in boarding schools without replacing it with a suitable interaction interface. This situation infringes on children’s right ... -
The emerging roles of academic librarians in Kenya: Apomediaries or Infomediaries?
(Emerald Insight, 2023)Purpose The main purpose of this study was to investigate the emerging roles of academic librarians in Kenya, with a view to determining whether they perform better as apomediaries or infomediaries. The specific objectives ... -
Establishing community and school libraries: African Library Project experience
(Emerald Insight, 2023-06-02) -
Establishing requirements for an automated interface design for student-parent interaction in secondary boarding schools in Rachuonyo South Sub-County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Scholarly Communication, 2019)This paper sought to establish requirement for an automated interface design for student-parent interaction while in secondary boarding school. The study was confined to public boarding secondary schools in Rachuonyo South ... -
Evaluation criteria for the district health management information systems: lessons from the Ministry of Health, Kenya
(2005)Background: The District Health Management Information Systems (DHMISs) were established by the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Kenya more than two decades ago. Since then, no comprehensive evaluation has been undertaken. ... -
Evaluation of Existing Architecture for M-Mining Market Access Information Among Sugarcane Farmers in Migori County, Kenya
(International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunication, 2017)The application of mobile technology in agriculture is expanding rapidly, with new devices and applications being available for everyday use. However, the absence of seamless architecture required to integrate mobile devices ... -
Evaluation of existing District Health Management Information Systems A case study of the District Health Systems in Kenya
(International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2005-05-10)Introduction: This paper discusses some of the issues and challenges of implementing appropriate and coordinated District Health Management Information System (DHMIS) in environments dependent on external support especially ... -
Existing Metrics Use in Indexing ICT Integration in University Teaching
(2019)ICT integration by universities teaching professionals is emerging as a major concern, this study demonstrate the need to address the integration problem by encouraging existing metrics use in indexing ICT integration as ... -
An Exploratory Study of Community Involvement in Communication for Sustainable Solid Waste Management: A Study of Migori County, Kenya
(Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2021-05-31)Sustainable solid waste management (SSWM) is intended to reduce impacts of solid waste on the environment and achieve of sustainable development goals on sustainable cities and communities. Past research focused on the ... -
Exploring the thin line between misinformation and facts in the era of COVID-19 in selected border counties of Kenya
(2021-04-18)Introduction: Information seeking behavior of the affected populations during a pandemic is believed to significantly influence the way the population manages the epidemic and curb its spread. This study sought to identify ... -
Fake News and Propaganda in Political Communication: Effects and Remedies
(East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2020)Fake news has dominated the media debate the world over in recent times. Fake news is used in political discourses to portray the opponent as inefficient, alienated, outsider etc. Kenya had her election on August 8, ... -
A Framework for Telemedicine Care: A Case of Nandi County – Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2019)Telemedicine is one of the technologies that use the knowledge of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to curb geographical barriers while increasing access to healthcare services. This study aimed developing ...