Browsing School of Business and Human Resource management by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 110
Does Financing Diversification Matter?
(3-07)Financial sector liberalization in Kenya and the far world has created an enormous spectrum from which Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos) can raise finances from. This has coincided with a period of good ... -
October, 2010 Working Paper number 72 Ojijo Odhiambo United Nations Development Programme, Namibia John E. Odada Department of Economics, University of Namibia. Addressing the plight of poor households by zero-rating value added tax on basic commodities in Namibia
(International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC - IG), 2010-10)Difficult economic times began for Namibia in 2008 as real economic growth suddenly dropped to 4.3 per cent from the 5.5 per cent recorded in 2007. There were also wide fluctuations in ... -
Perception: A Guide for Managers and Leaders
(Journal of Management and Strategy, 2011)Managers and leaders in organization are entrusted with employees whom they must work with and through to realize organizational objectives. In organizations, perceptions of leaders, managers and employees shape the climate ... -
E-Insurance: An Empirical Study of Perceived Benefits
(International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2011-11)The recent evolution of Information technology in the financial services industry is changing the pace of providing insurance services, not only in India but in the world over. This paper is an attempt to analyze the ... -
E-Insurance: An Empirical Study of Perceived Benefits
(International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2011-11)The recent evolution of Information technology in the financial services industry is changing the pace of providing insurance services, not only in India but in the world over. This paper is an attempt to analyze the ... -
The efficacy of retirement plans and flexible scheduling in improving the quality of service delivery among civil servants in Nandi south Kenya
(Department of Management Science, School of Business and Economics, Moi University, 2013)Retirement plans and flexible scheduling guides most organizations and is part of most complaints of citizen’s due to poor service in government counties such complaints was reflected during the year 2002 Constitutional ... -
Logistics Leverage for a Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs): Case of Wakenya Pamoja SACCO Society Ltd., Gusii Region, Kenya
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2013)The paper focuses on Logistics Leverage for a Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) in SACCOs, a survey of Wakenya Pamoja SACCO Society Ltd. (WPS). SACCO membership is on a declining trend,attributed to the stiff competition ... -
Financial Innovation as a Competitive Strategy: The Kenyan Financial Sector
(Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 2013-07)The world business environment is rapidly changing and becoming intensely competitive. In this context, most organizations are realizing that knowledge is the most important resource in creating sustainable competitive ... -
An Assessment of the Effect of Prepaid Service Transition in Electricity Bill Payment on KP Customers, a Survey of Kenya Power, West Kenya Kisumu
(American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2013-09)The purposes of the study were to determine employees and clients’ response to the ongoing service transition from post-paid to pre-paid electricity bill payment, to assess key human resource requirements needed for successful ... -
Financial Deepening And Economic Competitiveness In Kenya: The Strides To Being An Economic Power House
(2013-10)Economists have long held the view that financial deepening and economic development are closely intertwined. Kenya’s development blue print, Vision 2030, is anchored on this belief and aims to create a vibrant, globally ... -
Digitizing Banking Services: An Empirical Analysis of Customer’s Adoption and Usage
(Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2014)Internet and mobile technologies of recent years have gained momentum and are impacting the working of every process including financial services. Financial service providers including banks are turning their necks toward ... -
Lending Rates and its impact on Economic Growth in Kenya
(Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2014)After the liberalization of interest rates in Kenya in 1992, there has been an upward trend in the interest rates. Therefore, there is a need to investigate the factors influencing lending interest rates and their impacts ... -
Managerial Competencies as an Antecedent to Customer Satisfaction in small and medium sized Entreprise (SMES) in Eldoret Municipality
(2014-06)Customer satisfaction has received much attention in the last two decades from both practitioners and researchers as one of the strategies firms can employ to remain competitive. Despite this attention, little empirical ... -
Management in Action: Managing the HIV/AIDS Curriculum in Kenya
(Scientific Research, 2014-07-02)Curriculum management can only be effective when the curriculum content and expected learning outcomes are clearly stated for the actual implementers. The implementers on their side especially the teachers and the school ... -
Building strengths in information communication and technology in Kenyan universities: way forward for the 21st century
(Wyno Academic Journal of Social Sciences, 2014-07-15)A growing number of Universities are in the process of establishing ICT standards to address information society issues of e-government, e-infrastructure, e-industry, e-learning, and e-commerce. Some large universities ... -
Innovation in Banking Industry: Achieving Customer Satisfaction
(Open Journal of Business and Management, 2014-10)This paper examines the effects of technology in the banking industry. Based on an expansive review of literature, the paper describes various factors in this area. Technology has a direct effect on the functioning of the ... -
Self Evaluation: A Case Study of a School in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
(Journal of Education and Practice, 2015)External evaluation of schools purpose to monitor delivery of education with a view to ensuring adherence to stipulated curriculum and set standards as well as efficient and effective quality education. However, ... -
Measuring Impacts of Information and Communication Advances for Development in the 21st Century
(Information and Knowledge Management, 2015)This paper explores why measuring the impacts of information and communication advances is important for development in the 21st Century and why it is statistically challenging. Measuring impacts in any field is difficult, ... -
Effects of Microcredit Facilities on the Welfare of Households. Evidence from Suna East Sub-County, Migori County Kenya
(European Journal of Business and Management, 2015)The socio-economic growth and development of Migori County is to a great extent dependent on farming and small scale enterprise. Majority of the people working in these sectors are low income earners whose main source ... -
The connection Between length of Residency and Local Residents’ Attitudes Towards Cultural Tourism Development at Kogelo, Kenya
(International Journal of Research in Management and Social Sciences, 2015)The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship or interconnection between length of residency and local residents’ attitudes towards cultural tourism development at Kogelo area, Kenya. The locals were randomly ...