Browsing School of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies by Title
Now showing items 58-77 of 144
Food Security Status During The Covid-19 Pandemic Among Vulnerable Groups In Keiyo South, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,, 2021)Health guidelines to manage the COVID-19 pandemic could have led to unintended changes in states and processes that affect food systems, food security, and nutrition. The study conducted in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya ... -
Fusarium Wilt of Banana in Kisii County, Kenya
(Current Agriculture Research Journal, 2021-04-20)Banana categorized as third in world’s key starch crops after cassava and sweet potatoes and it is the fourth most widely grown crop after rice, wheat and maize. The crop accounts for over 70 % of farmer’s earnings in ... -
Genetic Diversity of Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Accessions of Kenya Using SSR Markers
(American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2014-08-13)Aims: To determine the genetic diversity existing within the Kenyan dry bean using SSR markers. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in Western Kenya and Bangor University, North Wales, between September ... -
Genetic Effects for Maize P Efficiency Traits in Acid and Non-acid Soils of Western Kenya
(American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2015)Soil acidity is a major constraint to maize (Zea mays L.) productivity in tropical soils due to toxic levels of aluminium (Al) and phosphorus (P) deficiency. The objectives of this study were ... -
Harvesting surface rainwater – purification using Moringa oleifera seed extracts and aluminum sulfate
(Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 2011)Ground water harvesting is a method of collecting surface runoff from a catchment’s area and storing it in surface reservoirs. The water harvested is usually contaminated and turbid. Methods used to purify water include ... -
Harvesting surface rainwater – purification using Moringa oleifera seed extracts and aluminum sulfate
(Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 2011)Ground water harvesting is a method of collecting surface runoff from a catchment’s area and storing it in surface reservoirs. The water harvested is usually contaminated and turbid. Methods used to purify water include ... -
How University Establishment Influence Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Kenya-A Case of Rongo University, Migori County, Kenya
(International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, 2019-10-09)In the last two decades, there has been considerable increase in the establishment of both public and private universities. The expansion has been across the different geographical regions as well as demographically. The ... -
Immediate and residual effects of lime and phosphorus fertilizer on soil acidity and maize production in western Kenya
(2015-08-21)Soil acidity and phosphorus (P) deficiency are some of the major causes of low maize yields in Kenya. This study determined the immediate and residual effects of lime and P fertilizer on soil pH, exchangeable aluminium ... -
Impact of agro-industrial activities on the water quality of River Nyando, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
(2002)The impact of agro-industrial activities on the water quality within River Nyando, Lake Victoria Basin was studied at different hierarchical levels between August 1997 and June 1999. Triplicate water samples were collected ... -
The Impact of Human Activities on Epibenthic Bivalve Communities
(1997-10)A total of 17 bivalve species belonging to 13 families were collected and identified in Malindi and Mombasa Marine National Parks; and Kanamai from Oct.'97 to Mar.'98. Bivalve fauna showed low densities (2/m2), and low ... -
Impact of the invasive cuscuta campestris on vegetative cover and plant biodiversity in Homa- bay county
(International Journal of Agriculture, 2021)Purpose: This research paper focused on the impact of Cuscuta campestris on vegetative cover and plant biodiversity in Homa-Bay County. The specific objective was to investigate the impact on plant growth and development ... -
Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on the Environment associated with the Establishment of Rongo University in Rongo SubCounty, Migori County, Kenya
(International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, 2019-10)Human activities have been at the centre in land use and land cover changes. Activities such as farming, new settlement, land reclamation, industrialization together with urbanization have been seen to influence land use ... -
Impacts of Oreochromis Nilticus Cage Culture on Water Quality of Winam Gulf of L. Victoria, Kenya
(International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, 2019-05-30)Lake Victoria, Kenya has realized an increased number of fish cage culture for the last 10 years. The water quality monitoring study was undertaken at different private cage fish farm within the Winam gulf of L. Victoria, ... -
Impacts of Rice Production on Nyando Wetlands Ecosystem in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2023-04)Wetlands are important resources that provide the community with many inter-related environmental functions and socio-economic benefits, which support a variety of livelihood strategies. In Kenya, wetlands are often utilized ... -
Improved Livestock Breeds and Household Social Capital: The Case of Sahiwal Cattle Adoption among Isiria Maasai of Narok County, Kenya
(2020-11-11)The utilization of pastoral resources such as grasses, shrubs, water and salt-licks is an aspect social capital. However, with climatic and socio-economic changes traditional cattle production and livelihood outcomes ... -
Improving Carrot Yield and Quality through the Use of Bio-slurry Manure
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2012-11-25)Continuous cultivation of farms has led to decline in soil fertility due to constant removal of nutrients leading to reduction of carrot (Daucus carota L.) yields. A field study was carried out at Egerton University, ... -
Improving Seed Potato Leaf Area Index, Stomatal Conductance and Chlorophyll Accumulation Efficiency through Irrigation Water, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrient Management
(Journal of Agricultural Studies, 2016)A study was conducted in a Rainshelter (RTrial) at Horticultural Research and Teaching Farm, Egerton University to determine the effect of integration of irrigation water, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) application on ... -
Incorporating an Environmental Management Plan in Water Utilities Management Systems to Reduce Water Loss: Case of Non-Revenue Water in Kisumu City, Kenya
(AJOL, 2022-09-26)One of the biggest issues facing water utilities is the water loss experienced during the distribution process. This study sought to examine water distribution process in Kisumu and formulate an Environmental Management ... -
Influence of Credit Management on Financial Performance of Dairy Marketing Cooperatives in Kenya
(International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Risk Management, 2021)Agriculture development is the most critical sector for most Sub-Sahara African countries owing to its significance in food security and employment creation. Dairy cooperative societies are central to sustainable development ...