Browsing School of Science, Technology and Engineering by Title
Now showing items 49-68 of 116
Factors contributing to bacterial diversity and load in Bulawayo restaurants, Zimbabwe
(Baraton Interdisplinary Research Journal, 2012)An analysis of factors contributing to bacterial diversity and count was done on Bulawayo restaurants. Focus was on equipment, foods, personnel and working surfaces. Twenty five restaurants were selected using simple ... -
Farmers’ perceptions on adoption of Bambara nut production as a food security crop in Kakamega county, Kenya
(2015-08-21)This study was conducted between April and December 2011 to examine perception of smallholder farmers in four districts of Kakamega County, Kenya in adoption of Bambara nut production as food security crop. The study was ... -
First-Principles Calculations Of Structural, Electronic And Elastic Properties Of Tysonite Lanthanum Fluoride (Laf3)
(Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Science, 2018-06)The structural, electronic and elastic properties of tysonite Lanthanum fluoride (LaF3) have been studied using Density Functional Theory. The lattice constants were calculated and then the values fitted into the energy ... -
Gender Influence on Farmer’s Level of Involvement in Utilization and Conservation of Bambara Groundnut
(2015-08-21)Aims: To understand the role of gender on Bambara groundnut cultivation with respect to levels of farmers’ involvement in utilization and conservation in Western Kenya. Study Design: A questionnaire was administered to ... -
Genetic diversity analysis of Kenyan taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] accessions using SSR markers
(Sky Journal of Agricultural Research, 2016-07-08)Six SSR primer pairs were used to characterize 25 taro genotypes of Kenya. A total of 30 polymorphic alleles were generated. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 6 alleles, with an average of 3.0425 alleles ... -
Genetic Diversity in Cultivated Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and Related Wild Species in East Africa
(2015-08-21)Genetic diversity of traditional sesame landraces and related wild species in East Africa remains largely unexplored. Knowing what fraction of the available genetic diversity is actually used by the farmers is of central ... -
Genetic relationship between sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and related wild species based on chromosome counts and isozyme markers
(2015-08-19)Sesame is an orphan crop with little research attention in Kenya. Genetic relationship between cultivated sesame and related wild species in Kenya is not well known. The objective of this study was to determine genetic ... -
Genetic structure and diversity of East African taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]
(2015-08-21)Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott] is mainly produced in Africa by small holder farmers and plays an important role in the livelihood of millions of poor people in less developed countries. The genetic diversity of ... -
Genetic Structure and Geographical Relationship of Selected Colocasia esculenta [L. Schott] Germplasm Using SSRs
(Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, 2016-11-17)Aims: SSR markers were used to infer population genetic structure variability in taro cultivars with the objective of characterizing the allelic diversity of each geographical population. Place and Duration of Study: ... -
Health Care Workers Adherence to Infection Prevention Practices and Control Measures: A Case of a Level Four District Hospital in Kenya
(American Journal of Nursing Science, 2015)Infection prevention practices and control are critical activities that influence the quality of health care services. This study was conducted to determine the health workers adherence to infection prevention and control ... -
Heavy Metals in Edible Vegetables Grown Around Sewage Ponds and Damp Site in Eldoret Town, Kenya
(Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2016-04)Exposure to heavy metals including Ni, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, As, Hg, Zn and Cu, has been recognized as a risk to human health through the consumption of vegetables. This study investigates the source and magnitude of heavy metal ... -
Hematite and multi-walled carbon nanotubes stimulate a faster syntrophic pathway during methanogenic beet sugar industrial wastewater degradation
(2017-09-22)The quest to understand and subsequently improve the role played by bacteria and archaea in the degradation of organic matter both in natural and engineered anaerobic ecosystems has intensified the utilization of ... -
Impact of a Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent on Phytoplankton and Macroinvertebrates in River Nzoia, Kenya
(2015-08-21)Phytoplankton and macroinvertebrate assemblages were used to assess the impact of a kraft pulp and paper mill effluent in Kenya, on River Nzoia downstream of the discharge point in relation to changes in water quality ... -
Improving Health Systems:
(International Journal of Computer Applications., 2018-07)WHO identified six key pillars of an effective health system namely: leadership and governance; service delivery; health workforce; health information systems; medical products, vaccines and technologies and healthcare ... -
Influence of Employee Assistance Programs on Commitment of Nurses in Public Hospitals in Kenya
(Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (, 2019-01-28)The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of employee assistance programs on commitment of nurses in public hospitals in Kenya. Specifically, the study was guided by the hypothesis; Employee assistance program ... -
Influence of leave arrangements on commitment of nurses in public hospitals in Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2019-01)The aim of this study was to determine the influence of leave arrangement on commitment of nurses in public hospitals in Kenya. The results of descriptive analysis suggest that the staff leave arrangements for nurses ... -
The Influence of Part-Time Lecturers' Payment Management on the Dons' Performance
(Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2021-07)Kenya’s university student enrolment had risen in the year 2016 to around 23 percent following increased female enrolment, massive infrastructure development at the universalities, the introduction of new programs, lowering ... -
Influence of Variation in Moisture Content to Soil Bearing Capacity in Nairobi Area and Its Environs
(American Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2019)The increasing human population in cities and urban areas continues to raise the demand for housing and other infrastructure in developing nations. Stability of structures is critical for sustainable development to ensure ... -
Institutional pluralism, access and use of wetland resources in the Nyando Papyrus Wetland, Kenya
(Academic journal, 2005)Wetlands support livelihoods of communities living around them as in the Nyando Papyrus Wetland in Kenya. The Nyando Papyrus Wetlands provide multiple resources hence there are multiple uses and users who often overlap ... -
Integrated expanded granular sludge bed and sequential batch reactor treating beet sugar industrial wastewater and recovering bioenergy
(2016-07-21)The exponential rise in energy demand vis-à-vis depletion of mineral oil resources has accelerated recovery of bioenergy from organic waste. In this study, a laboratory- scale anaerobic (An)/aerobic (Ar) system ...