Influence of talent retention strategies on academic performance of lecturers at Rongo University, Kenya
Despite having human resource policy and procedure manual to guide and govern retention of
talents, Rongo University is still having challenges related to employee performance. In 2018,
Rongo University was cited as one of the universities that were faced with the challenge of
meeting their staff’s basic salary needs, payment of NHIF and NSSF. This study therefore sought
to investigate the influence of strategic talent management practices on academic performance of
lecturers at Rongo University. To the management of Rongo University, the study provides
relevant information to develop strategies in an effort to improve lecturers’ academic
performance. To the policy makers, the study provides information that can be used in
formulation of laws and policies that enhance talent management strategies. The study adds more
information to the body of knowledge on talent retention strategies and performance of lecturers.
The study used a descriptive research design. The target population of this study was 102
academic staff at Rongo University: graduate assistants, tutorial fellows, assistant lecturers,
lecturers, senior lecturers, associate professors and professors. The sample size was 82 staff who
were selected by use of stratified random sampling. The research made use of primary data
together with secondary data. The secondary data source was the annual reports and policies
from Rongo University while primary data was gathered through use of semi-structured
questionnaires. Thematic analysis was deployed in analyzing qualitative data then presentation of
results were in a narrative form. Through the help of SPSS (version 22) quantitative data was
analyzed through use of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The research used
descriptive statistics in determining mean, frequency distribution and percentage. Inferential
statistics comprised of correlation analysis as well as multivariate regression analysis. The
research results were presented in tables, bar charts and pie charts. The study established that
talent retention strategies have a positive and significant effect on academic performance of
lecturers at Rongo University (p-value=0.000). This study recommends that Rongo University
should seek to provide remuneration and allowances that match their competitors in the same
region so as to attract and retain talented academic staff. A promotion policy to guide promotion
of academic staff in the institution based on their superior qualities that boost academic
performance. In addition, the university should ensure the implementation of policies. The study
IRJSEH ISSN 2710-2742 (online), Page 33
found that there is a poor work environment in Rongo University while competitors were having
better working conditions.
- School of Education [143]
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