Factors influencing academic performance of learners with visual impairment integrated in public primary schools in rongo sub-county, migori county, Kenya
Visual impairment impacts an individual’s ability to successfully complete the activities of everyday life. This study investigated factors influencing academic performance of learners with visual impairment integrated in Public Primary schools in Rongo Sub-County, Migori County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to investigate the impact of instructional methods on academic performance of learners with visual impairment; to establish the effect of teacher training on academic performance of learners with visual impairment; to find out the effect of teachers’ attitude on academic performance of learners with visual impairment and to determine the influence of teaching learning materials on academic performance of learners with visual impairment in Rongo Sub-County. The study employed mixed method approach. The target population included 29 head teachers of public primary schools with integrated program, 40 Special Needs Education (SNE) teachers and 5 Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs) giving a total of 74 respondents. Purposive and Saturated sampling techniques were used to get a sample size of 29 Head teachers, 40 SNE teachers and 5 CSOs respectively. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used to collect data.. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequencies, percentages and means and Inferential of Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Chi square. Qualitative data was analyzed based on emerging themes generated from the study objectives. The study established that there was significant relationship between instructional methods, teacher training, teachers’ attitude and teaching learning materials and academic performance all at p <0.05.
- School of Education [143]
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