Now showing items 1-20 of 43

      IaaS, Service delivery model, deployment models, private, public, community and hybrid. [1]
      ICT advances, measuring impacts, measurement frameworks, privacy, security, perceptions [2]
      ICT Integration Digital Revolution DigitizationICT4SDGTechnology Acceptance [1]
      ICT, integration governance, Index, Metrics, University IT Teaching. [1]
      ICT, Technology, Insurance firms, Value attribution [1]
      ICT, Technology, Insurance firms, Value attribution. [2]
      ICTs, Cyber Crimes, Higher Education, ICT Access, ICT and Youth. [2]
      Implementation, Risk Transfer, Road Construction [1]
      Incertitude Surrounding use HIV Preventive Servicers [1]
      inclusion of learners, primary schools, regular public schools, school environment, visual impairment [1]
      Indexed Terms- Skew-Normal, Skew-Binormal operators, (BQ) operators, Skew-(BQ) Operators [1]
      Indexing Levels, ICT, Teaching Professionals and Integration [1]
      Indicator, Mental state, Stressor, Unrest, Social. [1]
      Indigenous Knowledge, Commercialisation, Legal framework, cultural preservation, challenges, opportunities, Kenya [1]
      Infection Prevention Practices and Control, Nosocomial Infections, Health Care Workers, Standard Precautions, Adherence, Compliance [1]
      Inference, Testing, Second Language [1]
      Inferencing,Bilingual Education, Bilingualism [1]
      Influence, Academics, Performance, Impairment, Integrated, Public and School [2]
      Influence, Employee Assistance Programs, Commitment, Nurses, Public Hospitals [1]
      Influence, Implementation, Change, Organizational structure, Employee training and development [1]