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dc.contributor.authorAuko, Jackline
dc.contributor.authorOyoo, Eliud
dc.contributor.authorJuma, Stella
dc.identifier.issn2222-17 5 (Paper)
dc.identifier.issn2222-288X (Online)
dc.description.abstractEmerging issues are concepts or ideas that may perhaps fringe thinking today and could develop into a critical mainstream issue in the future. The study investigated influence of emerging issues of curriculum Implementation Policies on management roles of public primary school head teachers in Nyatike sub-county, Kenya. The sub-county had the highest number (19. 1%) of demoted head teachers in Migori County due to improper implementation of curriculum policies in the years 2018/2019. The study was guided by the objective that stated ‘to assess the influence of emerging issues of curriculum implementation policies on management roles of public primary school head teachers in Nyatike sub-county’. The study used cross sectional descriptive survey research design and a mixed research approach. Contingency theory of management was used to guide the study. Out of targeted 129 public primary schools in Nyatike sub-county and a target population of 1169, the total sample size was 58 respondents. Purposive and stratified sampling technique was applied. Validity was established through expert judgment from the department of educational management and foundations.’ The content validity index was computed to determine the level of accuracy of the instruments which was .81. Reliability as established using the split half method and a reliability coefficient computed using Spearman’s Brown prophecy formula. The instrument was used after it attained a Cronbach’s Alpha reliability index of .80. The main data collection instruments were questionnaires and interview schedule. The study used both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The researcher accorded due respect to the respondents’ privacy and treated them with utmost confidentiality. The analyzed findings of the objective showed that emerging issues of curriculum implementation policies have significant and average positive influence (r = .482) on management roles of public Primary school head teachers. There is statistically significant evidence of influence of the emerging issues of curriculum implementation policies on management roles of public primary school head teachers. The study findings will guide policy makers on the need of preparing public primary school head teachers on emerging issues of curriculum implementation policies on management roles upon being appointed into the positions. It will also contribute to a pool of knowledge on the sameen_US
dc.publisherJournal of Education and Practiceen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.titleEmerging Issues of Curriculum Implementation Policies and Their Influence on Management Roles of Primary School Managersen_US

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