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dc.contributor.authorK’odero, Jannes Okinyi
dc.contributor.authorOtengah, Wilson A. P.
dc.contributor.authorOkello, Lazarus Millan
dc.identifier.citationOkello, L. M., Otengah, W. A., & K’oder, J. O. (2022). Application of Rules and Regulations on Students’ Involvement in Arson at public boarding secondary schools in Migori County, Kenya.en_US
dc.identifier.issnI SSN 245 4-6 1 86
dc.description.abstractIn the last 20 years, there has been a global increase in episodes of school unrest characterized by violence and arson attacks. They resulted in the destruction of school property and deaths. Arson persists, with the latest cases seen in 2021. Past studies have not focused on social and cultural aspects in learning institutions as possible causes of arson. The study focused on the application of rules and regulations on students’ involvement in arson at public boarding secondary schools in Migori County. Descriptive Cross-sectional survey design. It involved 380 students in Forms 3 and 4 from 28 public boarding secondary schools that experienced arson from 2017 to 2020; and 28 KII’s. Probability sampling techniques were used to arrive at the respondents, KII’s were purposively selected. Questionnaires and FGDs were used on respondents; and interview schedule for KIIs. Quantitative data was analyzed using Pearson’s product moment correlations and presented in graphs, tables and charts. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically. It was revealed that utilization of school rules and regulations had a positive significant relationship (r= .447, p<.05) with students’ involvement in arson. Further, informal discussions on school rules and regulations had a positive relationship (r =.487, p<.05) with students’ involvement in arson. The study recommends that the ministry of education should outline the guidelines for the formulation of school rules and regulations.en_US
dc.publisherInternational J ournal of Re search and Innovati on in S ocial Sci ence (IJRISSen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolu me VI;Issue V
dc.subjectArson, coded-language, rules and regulations, punishment, formulationen_US
dc.titleApplication of Rules and Regulations on Students’ Involvement in Arson at public boarding secondary schools in Migori County, Kenyaen_US

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