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dc.contributor.authorOkello, Lazarus Millan
dc.contributor.authorOmollo, Tom Mboya
dc.description.abstractCOVID-19 contributed a significant portion of the global burden of the killer diseases. The global spread of COVID-19 required not only national-level responses but also active compliance with individual-level prevention measures outside and within the institutions of higher learning. In this context, self-efficacy means individuals' confidence and certainty in their ability to successfully perform specific IT related tasks in response to e-learning after COVID-19 Pandemic. This study investigated the level of students’ self-efficacy on E- learning at Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: Case study of Rongo University-Kenya. The results may guide the University policymakers to focus on increasing the awareness and knowledge of lecturers through conducting training programs on how to use the e-learning system, because the lecturers have an important role in guiding and motivating the students to use the e-learning systems, which in turn affects the teaching performance and students’ self-efficiency in using the ICT gadgets in online classes. The University management should effect changes in learning as well as improving on pedagogical strategies to accommodate needs of different students with varied potentialities in e-learning platforms to promote their confidence level. This could be done through organized trainings and workshops in small manageable clusters, promoting self-efficacy programs on ICT use and ensuring successful address and implementation of issues raised by the concerned students during the learning process.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Applied Psychologyen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectStudents’ Self-Efficacy, E-Learning, Pandemic, COVID-19en_US
dc.titleThe Level of Students’ Self-Efficacy on E-Learning at Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study of Rongo University-Kenyaen_US

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