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dc.contributor.authorOtara, Alfred
dc.contributor.authorUworwabayeho, Alphonse
dc.contributor.authorNzabalirwa, Wenceslas
dc.contributor.authorKayisenga, Beata
dc.description.abstractLearner-centered pedagogy (LCP) is one of the best approaches in developing knowledge, skills, and attitudes of learners to cope with the changing world. Implementation of LCP practices tend to vary from one context to another. It is within this perspective that this study was conducted with the aim of investigating the teachers’ attitudes toward LCP in public primary schools located in Nyarugenge District. A sample size of 165 teachers was selected from 13 public and government-aided primary schools. Simple percentages, and chi-square analysis were used to analyze data, and the findings were triangulated with questionnaire and interview responses. Results show that primary school teachers manifested negative attitude toward LCP. The study also indicates that both institutional and individual factors, such as insufficient and inadequate trainings, lack of clear indicators on LCP, and lack of prior experience on LCP among colleges and university tutors during preservice training, affect the attitude of teachers. It is further revealed that gender does not influence the attitude of teachers; however, training was found to be significant at .05 level. It is therefore important that authorities ensure proper training to head teacher, school subject leaders, and teachers on LCP and avail clear indicators on those methods.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectlearner-centered pedagogy, attitude, competence based curriculum, institutional and individual factors, teachers, trainingen_US
dc.titleFrom ambition to practice: An Analysis of Teachers’ Attitude Toward Learner- Centered Pedagogy in Public Primary Schools in Rwandaen_US

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