Now showing items 301-320 of 462

      Mobile Phone Banking, Making Transactions, M-PESA, Kisii County. [1]
      Model: A pictorial representation of how the concept works. It is characterize by audience concept, institutionalization, testing and operation and various factors which are technological social, political, organizational and individual [1]
      Moringa oleifera, Moringa stenopetala, methanol and n-hexane extracts, inhibition, Salmonella typhii, Vibrio cholera, Escherichia coli, Kenya. [2]
      Morphosyntax, pro-drop, agreement, verb phrase, tense and aspects [1]
      motivation, librarians, organizations and performance. [1]
      Motivational Beliefs; Self-Regulation; Biology Learning; Coeducational Schools [1]
      motorcycle taxi, rural transport conundrum, Kenya [1]
      Motorcycle taxi; Rongo sub-county; rural mobility; rural transport needs [1]
      Mycosphaerella graminicola, Triticum aestivum. [1]
      myth, Covid-19, Africa, gatekeeping, social media, sense-giving, rumors, disinformation [1]
      Negative sanctions, Parenting styles: Positive sanctions, Social approval [1]
      Neodomestication, Wild Yam, Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth, Dioscorea alata L., Growth, Production [1]
      Newspaper, Representation, intimate partner violence, gender equality [1]
      Non-revenue water, illegal water consumption, high density estates, low density estates [1]
      Non-revenue water, water quality, water quantity, water loss, environmental effect [1]
      Non-revenue water, water quality, water quantity, water loss, environmental effect. [1]
      Numerical range, Multiplication operator and unitary operator [1]
      Nutrition Education and Counselling, Maternal Nutrition, Pregnancy Outcomes [1]
      Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Practices and Attitudes, Pregnant Women [1]
      Nyando Papyrus Wetlands, legal pluralism, institutions. [2]