The rise of China and conflicts in Africa: The case of Sudan
As China‟s economy rise in the world order, there is a higher demand for more resources in Africa. China has relative scarcity of crucial resources notably oil, gas, and minerals. The growing China-Africa relation is seen by some international relation scholars as part of the “foundation” on which their broader strategic ambitions are built. It is from this perspective that the growing relation seems to suggest that Africa is somehow “critical” for Chinese economy. Africa‟s rich natural resources and underdeveloped market create abundant business potential for Chinese products. China‟s interests in Africa not only include economic interests but also political, security and ideological interests. This rapidly evolving relationship presents opportunities and challenges for Africa. Chinese trade, investment and infrastructure aid are fundamentally re-shaping Africa‟s economies. Nevertheless, the rise of China is also posing a „security dilemma‟ in the global balance of power. U.S being a super power is not happy with the rise of China. US sees Africa continent hungry for their investment, expertise, and rule of law. However, there are contentious issues affecting this relationship: African continent was a victim of„western colonization‟ and „strings attached‟ approaches. „Strings attached‟ approach is brought about by quasi- state actors and is often being criticized by most Africa leaders for meddling with internal affairs of some Africa states and also making the continent dependent on western foreign aid. This paper offers a critical analysis of the China‟s-Africa relations and conflicts in Africa, using Sudan as case study. This paper examines how china‟s activities in Africa are contributing to conflicts by looking at the transfer of Chinese-made arms to Sudan in the name of acquiring oil to protect her national interests