Positive sanctions on children social development: an analysis of the influence of rewards in children social development in Kuria east sub-county, Migori county, Kenya
Children's social development is the foundation for holistic learning. Many countries,, including Kenya have adopted uptake of positive sanction methods in form of rewards to promote children's social development as advocated for by the humanitarian laws. However, there is growing concern due to high number of children exposed to physical violence where 36.8% female and 40.5% male children were victims in Kenya in 2018. This necessitated the need to assess influence of rewards on children social
development. Using Taro Yamane formula, a sample size of 391 Household-heads were randomly sampled, and 4 key informants purposively selected. Questionnaire and Interview Schedule were used to collect data. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics involving Pearson correlation; while qualitative data were thematically analyzed. Findings revealed that rewards have moderate (r=.319, p<.05) positive influence on children social development. The study therefore, recommends positive compliments as opposed to monetary rewards.