Perceptions of Socio-Economic and Educational Factors affecting Marriage Instability: A case Study of Oyugis Town, Kenya
The breakdown of marriage unions in Kenyan society is a serious problem as is evidenced by increased marital
violence, high divorce rates, numerous separations and other family problems. Even then people are still marrying
and others still staying in marriage. This study investigated perceptions of Socio-economic and educational factors
that contribute to marriage instability in Oyugis town, Kenya. The sample comprised 108 participants drawn from
church ministers, church elders and advocates of law. A questionnaire developed by the researcher was used in data
collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics-means and percentages. The Socio-educational factors
identified as contributing to marriage instability included level of education of the couple at the time of marriage –
Differences in education level of the married couple was found to enhance marriage instability especially if the wife
is more educated than the husband. Socio-economic level of the married couple – this was found to enhance
marriage instability especially if the wife is more economically stable than the husband.
- School of Education [144]
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