Structural Policy Issues on Rehabilitation and Recovery: A Case Study of Alcoholics Anonymous Centre in Kenya.
Alcoholism is one of the chronic problems of a modern society. Many lives have been lost and thousand others ruined as a result of alcoholism. It has both social and economic implications and the effects are felt beyond the lives of individuals as it transcends across households, families and communities. Alcoholism is a risk factor for mortality and morbidity related to both intentional and unintentional injury. Addiction to alcohol can in itself be disastrous, a trap upon which individuals become enslaved and chained in such ways that escape is nearly impossible. In the recent times, Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) institutions have been the desirable alternative to help rehabilitate alcoholics and restore them to full recovery. However, just how effective Alcoholic Anonymous is remains a subject of wide speculation. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of the structural policy issues on rehabilitation and recovery: A case study of Asumbi Alcoholics Anonymous Centre. . The study used an ex-post-facto research design. The study was conducted in Asumbi Alcoholics Anonymous Centre Asumbi Sub-County, Homa Bay, Kenya. The target population was 70 alcoholics registered at the Centre. Simple random sampling was used to select 59 respondents for the study and Purposive sampling aided the selection of the Centre manager, three administrators and the six counselors to participate in the study. The data was collected using three different questionnaires to the sampled respondents and analysis done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 22. Descriptive statistics (frequency tables and percentages) were used in data presentation. The findings of the study showed that modern structural and technological AA devices have appositive impact on rehabilitation and recovery of alcoholics. The AA centers need to put on proper mechanism to make a follow up to the already graduated alcoholics to avoid or reduce instances of relapse cases. There is need for support to the AA centers so that the fees charged from the clients may be reduced or abolished to enable low income an alcoholic is integrated into the centers. It is recommended that the government should support the existing AA centers and build more centers to help in rehabilitating the Alcoholics. However, it is equally suggested that further research be done on the impact of Spiritual nourishment on rehabilitation and recovery of alcoholics.
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