Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 551-570 of 734
Parameterized Empirical Potentials For BaF2 From Ab-Initio Methods Applied To The Study Of Superionic Transition Of C-BaF2
(Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), 2018)Potentials for BaF2 have been generated from the ab-initio methods and tested to determine its applicability in classical dynamics. The minimization process for this force field was stopped at 17% where forces, ... -
Parental Involvement In Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: A Study Of Nyatike Sub-County, Migori County- Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2018)Teenage pregnancy is a global public health problem with medical, psychological, social and demographic implications most of which negatively affect the future of teenage girls. In view of this, teenage pregnancy has ... -
Patterns of Influence of Diabetics’ Integrating Healthcare Seeking Behaviors on Diabetes Management in Rongo Subcounty, Migori County, Ken
(African Journal of Health Sciences, 2021-08)Diabetes is a fast-growing socio-economic burden, highly prevalent in Kenya due to inadequacies of mitigation measures; though manageable through appropriate healthcare-seeking behaviors (HSBs). High malaria and HIV/AIDS ... -
Patterns Of Utilization Of Maternal Healthcare Services In Korogocho Slums, Nairobi, Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2017)Maternal mortality is a grave concern in Africa. In 2015, sub-Saharan Africa alone accounted for approximately 66% of all maternal deaths worldwide. Studies have however established that maternal mortality can be prevented ... -
Patterns Of Utilization Of Uwezo Fund In Rongo Sub-County, Migori County, Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2018)Uwezo Fund has been provided to youths in Kenya to enhance self-employment among them. However, utilization of such fund remains a challenge. This study sought to assess the patterns of utilization of Uwezo Fund among youths ... -
Payment for environmental services Laying the ground work
(Lake Victoria Basin Commission Secretariat, 2013)This paper seeks to examine and assess existing and planned policy, legal and institutional arrangements of the East Africa Community (EAC) for implementation of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) schemes. It reviews ... -
Peace Education and Cultural Diversity: Focus on Kenya’s Post-Election Crisis
(International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 2018)It is not difficult to understand the relationship between peace and education. We can recover it from a more disciplined approach when we begin to seek the ultimate causation of the need for peace. As such peace will often ... -
Perception of Constructivist Learning Environment: Gender and School Type Differences in Siaya County, Kenya
(2014-12-17)Aims: The study aimed at investigating gender and school type differences in perception of Biology constructivist learning environment. Study Design: The study adopted a survey design. Place and Duration of Study: The ... -
Perception of Students and Staff on Determinants of Performance in Science Laboratory Technology in Institutes of Technology in Southern Nyanza Region, Kenya
(International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2012-10)Science Laboratory Technology training is considered pivotal to Kenya’s economy, as it is increasingly seen as a vehicle through which the country will build a competitive workforce for key industries within priority sectors ... -
Perception: A Guide for Managers and Leaders
(Journal of Management and Strategy, 2011)Managers and leaders in organization are entrusted with employees whom they must work with and through to realize organizational objectives. In organizations, perceptions of leaders, managers and employees shape the climate ... -
Perceptions of Men on Male Partners Involvement in Maternal and Child Health: An Analysis of Kuria East SubCounty, Migori County, Kenya
(Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Science (AJHES), 2023-06-29)Background: Male partner involvement is critical to maternal and child health outcomes. In Kenya, male partners are entitled to a two-week paternal leave with full pay to encourage male partner support in antenatal and ... -
Perceptions of Socio-Economic and Educational Factors affecting Marriage Instability: A case Study of Oyugis Town, Kenya
(International J. Soc. Sci. & Education, 2016)The breakdown of marriage unions in Kenyan society is a serious problem as is evidenced by increased marital violence, high divorce rates, numerous separations and other family problems. Even then people are still ... -
Perceptions of youth on new media influence in insecurity in Migori county, Kenya: a case of Rongo Sub County
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2019-10)Today, new media fully saturate our everyday lives that we are often unconscious of their presence, not to mention their influence. New media are the internet based tools and services that allow users to interact with ... -
Performance of CSTR–EGSB–SBR system for treating sulfate-rich cellulosic ethanol wastewater and microbial community analysis
(2017)Performance and microbial community composition were evaluated in a two-phase anaerobic and aerobic system treating sulfate-rich cellulosic ethanol wastewater (CEW). The system was operated at five different chemical ... -
Performance of Leucaena leucocephala, Seedlings in Two Agro-climatic Regions of Kenya
(Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 2016-02-17)A study was conducted to determine the response of Leucaena seedlings planted in two variant agro-climatic regions, Chepkoilel Campus and Maseno in Kenya. The experiment was a 2-factor (provenance – site) split plot ... -
Perspectivizing Vernacular Broadcast Media Intervention in Stemming Intra-Ethnic Conflict in Kenya: A Case of the Abakuria
(2016)The media can be used as an instrument to build as well as to destroy order, harmony and social coexistence in the human society. This study has tried to establish the inherent nature of social conflict and crises in human ... -
Philosophizing Alternative Pan-African Media and Society Approaches to Countering Female Violent Extremism in Kenya for Peace and Security
(Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding ScholarSouthern Voices Network for Peacebuilding Scholar, 2016-12) -
Phosphorus Sorption and Lime Requirements of Maize Growing Acid Soils of Kenya
(2015-08-21)In Kenya, maize (Zea mays L.) is mainly grown on acid soils in high rainfall areas. These soils are known for low available phosphorus (P), partly due to its sorption by aluminium (Al) and iron oxides. The study ... -
Phylogenetic relationship among Kenyan sorghum germplasms based on aluminium tolerance
(2015-08-21)Eighty nine (89) sorghum lines sourced from various parts of Kenya were used to determine phylogenetic relationships based on 10 DNA fragments at AltSB loci with SbMATE, ORF9 and MITE primers. Nine lines of varying ... -
Physiological characterization of kenyan sorghum lines for tolerance to aluminium
(2015-08-21)Eighty nine Kenyan sorghum lines were screened for tolerance to aluminium toxicity in nutrient solution. Relative net root growth; root tip aluminium content and variation in organic acid exudation were used to determine ...