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Now showing items 115-134 of 882
Comparative Analysis of Compressive Strength of Bamboo Leaf and Baggash Ash Concretes
(MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2021)Billions tons of conventional concrete are produced yearly as well as cement which emit large tons of carbon dioxide due to huge millions of metric tons produced annually. Sequel to this, there is need to produce a ... -
Comparative analysis of phenotypic characterization of Kenya and Pacific Islands tarogen germplasm collections Colocasia esculenta L. (Schott)
(2015-08-21)Fifty accessions of taro germplasm collections Colocasia esculenta L. Received: 15 November, 2014 (Schott) were collected from Kenya and Pacific Islands tarogen germplasm collections. Twenty five accessions of Kenyan ... -
A Comparative Assessment Of Taro{Colocasia Esculenta L. (Schott)} Phenotypic Corms/Cormels Characteristics Among Kenya And Tarogen Core Taro Collections For Taro Crop Improvement And Breeding
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2017)Determination of qualitative phenotypic taro cormels characters were scored based on the key International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) descriptors for taro (IPGRI, 1999). Twenty five taro germplasm each from ... -
Comparative perceptions on the physical signs of onset of unrest at universities
(2019)University students’ unrest is a common problem all over the world but it is more serious in the developing countries. Most Universities find it a perennial crisis. There is no documentation of comparative perceptions on ... -
A Comparative Study of Media Content in Print and online ‘Daily Nation’ Newspaper in Kenya
(Pyrex Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 2017-10)This study attempts to establish the extent to which presentation of content in the print newspaper compares with that of the online version in daily nation in Kenya. In this paper a content analysis was done on the ... -
Comparison of severity of Phytophthora colocasiae (taro leaf blight) disease on in-vivo and in-vitro Pacific-Caribbean and Kenyan taro (Colocasiae esculenta) grown in Kakamega county (Kenya)
(GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019-11-09)Taro (Colocasiae esculenta) is an important tuber crop of Kakamega - Kenya. It is nutritionally very rich. Taro leaf blight (TLB) is the most devastating pathogen for its production worldwide and current management strategies ... -
Comparison of soil phosphorous extraction by Olsen and double acid methods in acid soils of Western Kenya
(2015-08-21)hosphorous is an essential nutrient in plants required for root establishment. In the soil, it is applied as DAP, TSP or phosphate rocks. In acid soils, aluminium and iron are dominant and tend to “fix” phosphorous, ... -
Conceptual block chain model for reinforced data integrity about consumed drugs
(International Research Journal of Rongo University (IJORU), 2024-11-05)Data integrity is essential in the distribution of public goods, particularly in healthcare where medicinal drugs must be accurately and reliably tracked from supplier to consumer. Issues such as counterfeiting and data ... -
Conflict management techniques and teacher job satisfaction in selected secondary schools in Uriri and nyatike sub counties, Kenya
(2021)The purpose of this study was to investigate conflict management techniques and teacher job satisfaction in selected secondary schools in Uriri and Nyatike Sub-Counties, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: establish ... -
The connection Between length of Residency and Local Residents’ Attitudes Towards Cultural Tourism Development at Kogelo, Kenya
(International Journal of Research in Management and Social Sciences, 2015)The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship or interconnection between length of residency and local residents’ attitudes towards cultural tourism development at Kogelo area, Kenya. The locals were randomly ... -
Construction of Feminine Identity through Metaphor in Facebook Discourses
(2020-08-08)One of the ways through which people construct their identities and others' identities is through use of conceptual metaphors. Conceptual metaphors are not just elements of language but are elements of thought as well and ... -
Contemporary vernacular broadcast media intervention in communities prone to intra-ethnic conflict: a case of the Abakuria in Kenya
(2018)The rapid growth in the vernacular broadcast media sector in Kenya has been lauded as key in the social and economic transformation of the rural communities. However, how they can be used in conflict management still remains ... -
A Contextual Analysis of Community Radio Programming and Peace Promotion in Political Campaigns in Kenya: A Case of Migori County
(International Knowledge Sharing Platform, 2018)With their ability to reach and influence a large number of people, community radios wield immense power in shaping the course of political discourse and contestations. Although many examples of the media’s negative ... -
Contextualized Strategies in Handling Medical Products, Vaccine and Technologies for Millennium’s Sustainable Achievements in HIV/AIDS Care
(International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2020-06)Realization of global health goals is dependent on how efficiently and effectively ill health resulting from Non-Communicable Diseases, emerging and reemerging infectious disease including HIV/AIDs are handled within ... -
Contribution of Home-Based Psychosocial Issues on Students Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Migori County, Kenya.
(Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020-07-25)The home environment plays pivotal role in determining children’s future. Every other parent strives to be a role model to be emulated by the children right from childhood to maturity level when these children can now ... -
The contribution of indigenous medicine knowledge to the delivery of quality healthcare in Migori County, Kenya
(Regional Institute of Information and Knowledge Management, 2024-11-01)Rationale of Study – Literature has extensively discussed integrating Indigenous Medical Knowledge (IMK) systems with modern medical practices to enhance the quality of healthcare services. Many countries have also committed ... -
The contribution of interactive communication to the improvement of maternal healthcare services in Migori County, Kenya
(Jozac Publishers, 2024-06-26)The contribution of interactive communication in promoting maternal healthcare services are missing in the county's healthcare literature thus leading to higher levels of morbidity and mortality in Migori County. The study ... -
Contribution of teacher attitude to management of student safety in emergency incidents in public secondary schools in kenya
(International Journal of Current Research, 2018-07-30)Parents expect a secure learning environment for their children while in teachers’ custody, yet threats to student safety are increasing globally, and Kenya is no exception. In Kisumu County, incidents of floods, criminal ... -
Contribution of teacher preparedness in the provision of student safety in emergency incidents in public secondary schools in kisumu county, kenya
(2018)Parents expect a safe learning environment for their children while in teachers’ custody, yet threats to student safety are increasing globally, and Kenya is no exception. In Kisumu County, media and official reports on ...