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Contribution of Picture Communication Boards on expressive Language Skills of Learners with Hearing Impairment
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST), 2024-10-01) Adhiambo, Oronge Evernate; Onditi, Sharon; Otara, Alfred
The most effective tool for human advancement is communication, encompassing the expressive aspect, which is crucial in various life aspects, demonstrating its importance in communication skills. Picture communication boards include sheets of symbolic presentation, letters, and real life pictures that a learner may point to communicate with others. Guided by Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, the objective of the study was to determine the contribution of picture communication boards on the expressive language skills of learners with hearing impairment using a mixed-method approach within a descriptive survey design. The target population comprised 73 learners, 46 teachers, 7 headteachers, and 5 Educational Assessment and Resource Centre officers (EARCs), selected purposely. Quantitative data from the main respondents were collected through questionnaires and observation checklists. Simultaneously, interview guides were utilized to gather qualitative data from key informants. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively based on means, frequencies, and standard deviation, and inferentially based on Pearson Correlation, presented in tables. Qualitative data were presented in narratives after thematic analysis. The study concludes that the utilization of communication boards enhances the expressive language skills of learners with hearing impairment through the use of pictures, charts, relevant books, and tables. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education, through the Directorate of Special Needs Education, should upscale the use of communication boards as a teaching aid for learners with hearing impairment.
Entrenching Ethical and Professional Teaching Through Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development in Public Primary Schools, Migori County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2024-08-23) Ogalo, Elizabeth; Khalili, Ombito Elizabeth; Simatwa, Enose M. W
Teacher conduct is instrumental in enhancing national values in teaching and learning. The teacher is a role model to learners and society at large; as an epitome of ethics. In Kenya, teacher conduct is a key element of teacher professionalism which can affect teacher performance in service delivery. The Teachers Service Commission has handled numerous cases of professional misconduct leading to termination of services of the affected teachers. Professional misconduct of the teacher has impacted negatively to the learner leading to high drop - out rates. Between the years 2019 and 2021, 59 teachers had indiscipline cases in Migori County. To curb the malpractice, TSC introduced Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) to appraise teachers on adherence to recommended teacher conduct and professionalism as a key indicator in teacher performance. This study sought to evaluate the contribution of TPAD to teacher conduct and professionalism towards enhancement of teacher performance in public primary schools, Migori County, Kenya. The study was guided by the Goal setting Theory which requires teachers to set performance targets at the start of the school term regarding adherence to the recommended teacher conduct and professionalism parameters. The set targets are then utilized as a measure of teacher performance during appraisal at the end of the school term. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Simple random sampling and random sampling techniques were used to select 30 Curriculum Support Officers, 240 deputy head teachers and 362 teachers for the study. Fischer’s Formula was used to select the sample size of 632 participants from a population of 7038, comprising 637 deputy head teachers, 6362 teachers and 39 Curriculum Support officers in Migori County. Data collection was done using questionnaire for deputies and teachers; Focus group discussion guide for Curriculum Support officers, and document analysis guide for school records. Quantitative data was analyzed using Descriptive Statistics in the form of frequency counts, mean and percentages as well as Inferential Statistics of T- Test and Correlation Coefficient. Qualitative data was cleaned, coded, transcribed and analyzed thematically. Findings from the study indicate that TPAD Implementation contributed highly to teacher performance, with regard to punctuality, ethics, and compliance to legal and professional requirements on conduct and professionalism in public primary schools.
Use of ict and knowledge management to strengthen universities’ position in the society in Kenya
(African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2024-11-29) Onditi, Sharon; Onunga, Jeremiah; Olal, Francis Ongachi
Statement of the Problem: The problem identified in this study is the lack of full integration and application of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Knowledge Management (KM) activities in Kenyan universities, which affects their ability to strengthen their societal position as leaders in research, teaching, learning, and community service. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to explore the integration of ICT and KM in Kenyan universities and their role in strengthening these universities' position in society. The paper aimed to provide insights into how ICT and KM could be innovatively managed within the universities to better serve societal needs and enhance their academic and community roles. Research Methodology: The study employed a non-probability sampling method to collect data. The researcher analyzed statements, open-access journals, and electronic documents relevant to ICT, KM, and technological innovation in Kenyan universities. The research methodology involved examining the applicability of KM pillars and the current status of ICT and KM integration in these institutions. Findings and Discussion: The findings showed that the current use of ICT and KM in Kenyan universities had not been fully exploited. The research highlighted the importance of ICT infrastructure and KM practices for the universities’ societal positioning. It also revealed several barriers to the effective use of ICT and KM, including inadequate technological infrastructure and insufficient knowledge-sharing practices. Conclusion: The study concluded that ICT and KM could play a significant role in improving the societal position of Kenyan universities. However, for these benefits to be realized, universities needed to enhance their ICT infrastructure, better manage knowledge, and develop skills related to KM.
Effect of waste dump site on ground water quality in Huruma estate, Eldoret, Kenya
(International Research Journal of Rongo University (IJORU), 2023-12-31) Olal, Francis Ongachi
Water pollution has been associated with open waste dumping across the globe. This study work gives the effect of open waste dump on groundwater quality at Huruma, Eldoret Town, Kenya. Ground water and leachate samples from the open waste dump site were collected and analyzed in the laboratory for physical and chemical characteristics. All the parameters were determined based on the American Standard Methods for Examination of water and wastewater. From the results obtained, it was found that the mean values of TDS, DO, SO4+, pH, COD and BOD are 17.73 mg/L, 5.94 mg/L, 0.05 mg/L, 6.54, 13.62 mg/L, and 6.07 mg/L respectively. For leachate samples, mean values for TDS, SO4+, pH, COD and BOD are 89.25 mg/L, 0.36 mg/L, 7.63, 24.56 mg/L, and 13.83 mg/L respectively. Most of the parameters fall within WHO drinking water standards (except pH, COD and BOD). Open waste handling, controlling and monitoring techniques must gear towards achieving quality environmental condition for many to live in. This will go a long way to protecting natural resources such as water that are degraded by these open wastes.
The contribution of indigenous medicine knowledge to the delivery of quality healthcare in Migori County, Kenya
(Regional Institute of Information and Knowledge Management, 2024-11-01) Ouma, Cary F. O.; Namande, Ben Wekalao; Kinya, Henry
Rationale of Study – Literature has extensively discussed integrating Indigenous Medical Knowledge (IMK) systems with modern medical practices to enhance the quality of healthcare services. Many countries have also committed to incorporating IMK systems into their healthcare programs. However, in Kenya, the county governments, which bear significant responsibility for healthcare delivery, have not fully embraced IMK systems as expected by the current laws, including the Healthcare Act 2017. Methodology – This study analyses IMK's contribution to providing quality healthcare in Kenya. It took a purely qualitative approach and was guided by a phenomenological research design. Findings – IMK has a profound role in reducing the disease burden in Migori County, both in terms of the many diseases IMK practitioners manage and the advantages associated with IMK practices over biomedical practices. Implications – The study, therefore, recommended that IMK practices be formally embraced as an alternative healthcare delivery system along with biomedical practices in the country. Originality – While much has been written about IMK practices globally, no study has been conducted to correlate this to county governments in Kenya, and indeed, no empirical study has been carried out about this in Migori County